I've been blessed with 3 daughters - Angie, Kristen and Becky. Angie from my first marriage was to say the least - a challenge.
Nine years later and my second marriage my husband and I decided to give it another try.
Of course I think every man wants a son and my husband was no different.
As you can see by the names, it wasn't meant to be....Trying a 4th time way!
Needless to say both Kristen and Becky are daddy's little girls even at 23 and 20 they are still his little girls.
Most people never believe me when I tell them that I never had to ground them or punish either one of them. They were and still are great girls.
Becky is a junior at the local university, Kristen lives in Colorado with her husband and is due to give birth-her first child, a little girl ... Lorilei Elise. Lorilei will be our 3rd grandchild we have two grandsons age 10 and 3.
Angie turned out to be a wonderful mother as well as a great daughter after the trying years. She is now married with the 2 boys.
Like all mothers I wanted the best for my girls but most of all I want them to be HAPPY no matter where it took them.
Happiness took Kristen to Colorado after she married a boy she dated back in high school. He joined the Army, went to Korea came home on leave for 2 weeks before leaving for Iraq.
What a surprise it was when she called and said "Hey mom guess who I saw at a party this week.....and by the way....we got married"
Needless to say my happy home wasn't a happy place to be for quite some time.
She packed up, moved to Colorado and Cody went to Iraq for a year. Now 2 years later she is HAPPY in Colorado, expecting Sept. 14th & Cody will be off to Iraq for his second tour of duty on Oct. 13th. I pray that Kristen remains as strong this second time as she was his first tour of duty in Iraq.
Today Angie and her family stopped over for a visit - it seems that they are looking to move to Tacoma Washington. Her husband has family there they have offered him a good position in the family business. She knows they will be HAPPY there.
I guess all those years ago when I wished them HAPPINESS - I didn't think it would take them so far away from me.
So after an afternoon of feeling sorry for myself, wondering what the heck I was doing wishing that them all that happiness .... after all I didn't mean that damn far away..... I came to the conclusion that....
One thing for certain, if and when Becky finds HAPPINESS ..... far away...... I'll have lots of nice vacation spots!!!
Nine years later and my second marriage my husband and I decided to give it another try.
Of course I think every man wants a son and my husband was no different.
As you can see by the names, it wasn't meant to be....Trying a 4th time way!
Needless to say both Kristen and Becky are daddy's little girls even at 23 and 20 they are still his little girls.
Most people never believe me when I tell them that I never had to ground them or punish either one of them. They were and still are great girls.
Becky is a junior at the local university, Kristen lives in Colorado with her husband and is due to give birth-her first child, a little girl ... Lorilei Elise. Lorilei will be our 3rd grandchild we have two grandsons age 10 and 3.
Angie turned out to be a wonderful mother as well as a great daughter after the trying years. She is now married with the 2 boys.
Like all mothers I wanted the best for my girls but most of all I want them to be HAPPY no matter where it took them.
Happiness took Kristen to Colorado after she married a boy she dated back in high school. He joined the Army, went to Korea came home on leave for 2 weeks before leaving for Iraq.
What a surprise it was when she called and said "Hey mom guess who I saw at a party this week.....and by the way....we got married"
Needless to say my happy home wasn't a happy place to be for quite some time.
She packed up, moved to Colorado and Cody went to Iraq for a year. Now 2 years later she is HAPPY in Colorado, expecting Sept. 14th & Cody will be off to Iraq for his second tour of duty on Oct. 13th. I pray that Kristen remains as strong this second time as she was his first tour of duty in Iraq.
Today Angie and her family stopped over for a visit - it seems that they are looking to move to Tacoma Washington. Her husband has family there they have offered him a good position in the family business. She knows they will be HAPPY there.
I guess all those years ago when I wished them HAPPINESS - I didn't think it would take them so far away from me.
So after an afternoon of feeling sorry for myself, wondering what the heck I was doing wishing that them all that happiness .... after all I didn't mean that damn far away..... I came to the conclusion that....
One thing for certain, if and when Becky finds HAPPINESS ..... far away...... I'll have lots of nice vacation spots!!!
At 9:04 PM,
Kathy Schwartz said…
I think I know how you feel. My boys are just four and five and I already hope they both want to be engineers and go to Lehigh University, about an hour away.
If that's not to be, I hope that my husband and I can move close to wherever they go.
But, mostly, I want them to stop growing up. Seriously.
It's too hard. Jacob was such a jerk today with his friends who were over for a playdate. I worry he doesn't know how to be play nice with other kids, especially when his brother is in the mix.
Brian says not to worry. He'll figure it out. But, I don't want him to ever get hurt feelings and kids are so damn mean.
All this and he's going to KINDERGARTEN on Tuesday!
Whaaa Whaaa
I'm not done feeling sorry for myself.
More later.
At 9:27 PM,
Lynn said…
Ok, number one....SNIFF. Seriously, no sarcasm. Tears dripping on my keyboard. I feel you on this one. I suppose every mom does/can/will.
My Mom (Linda) and I had this very conversation today. We talked about having kids move farther away, and what a mixed bag it can be. And how your head can say "this is GREAT for her"...while your heart says "CoLoRaDo??? WHAT?"
Our job is to "raise" our children to want to be themselves. Be Happy. Be real. And be Confident. Then we spend half our lives wishing they were still snuggled in our beds, maybe in mismatched jammies and toussled hair.
What an AWESOME post...ironically today, since we had almost the same conversation.
I'm sorry for you being sad about the "sad" part, and hope I raise my own kids as well, so that they are all the great things your girls seem to have become as well.
Last, but CERTAINLY not sincerest thanks, prayers and admiration for Cody during both his previous and upcoming tours in Iraq. I can only imagine - distantly - how that affects the family at home while he is gone...having him gone, for the boys, for Kristen...for everyone who loves him. As a wife, as a mother, and a daughter, I can only begin to realize the enormity of it all. But as an American, I can at least appreciate how every minute of my life I am benefitting (as well as my own family) by his selfless and enormous contribution.
For that, I am thankful to him on behalf of all of us. Again, many prayers for his safest return, and for as easy a time for Kristen and her children as possible.
I can only imagine what that must be like....ESPECIALLY with a weeks-old Lorilei.
Love to hear about her arrival. Early congrats, and another round when she comes. I hoe she comes as early as she is safely ready, so she can spend as many days snuggling Dad before his travels.
Again, prayers for everyone...including you. Must be hard to have them far away. Like I said, as a Mom and a daughter I definately can feel that.
At 8:17 AM,
Linda said…
I'm Lynn's mom. She and her sister (26) live here with me, along with Lynns husband and four kids and Laura's little boy (2). So although I am not in your circumstances by a long shot, one of my great fears is that they will 1) move far away, as my son has, or
2) feel like they never can because it would devastate me.
Being a good mom, like you, I encourage them to go live their lives to the fullest, be happy, seek autonomy. New England is not a place for people without a high income, even if it is "home." If it means taking my little "urchins". so be it. And yes, I know that missing them would be enormous. The down side of being close to your adult children is that when they go, you miss them more.
Bottom line, I wouldn't trade for anything the fact that I prefer their company to any other. Lynn and I are two sides of the same hand, almost scarily so. We understand one another totally, and are alike in almost all ways.
I hear you, in spades. I'm sending you a cyber hug, and reminding you that if you weren't so successful in raising a beautiful, close family, this would hurt far less. Not much comfort, but for the moment, it is what you need to hold on to.
At 11:02 AM,
Lynn said…
OK OK, I have re-read and see my error...
ANGIE has the 2 boys, Kristen is expeting Lorilei, Cody is with Kristen. I remembered afterwards that you said she was expecting her first.
Gotcha. Takes a while but I'm kinda current. I think ;o)
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