Do we intend to add "New Contributors" sometime?

Or is that our goal to even do so? We should be open and free about what we expect and hope this becomes, and over time, we can then work toward whatever goal it is that we come up with. We can speak openly and freely while there are only 3 of us here and even delete the blog/post/thread before we fire off other invitations if we want to do that, but I was figuring this is as good a venue for having the ideas kicked around.
Also, I haven't investigated deeplu enough, but wondered if it is possible to make it viewable by members only? I'm not super nervous about having stuff "online", but at some point it becomes easier to "share" when you know you are in a semi-private situation, rather than a world-wide free-for-all. Do either of you have any opinions on this??
Just curious... ~L
At 6:47 PM,
Kathy Schwartz said…
We can unlist it from blogger but can't make it private - I replied to quickly to the post before. We, however, control who posts and invite those we want.
I was thinking about inviting some of the women I know at work. Do we want to pre-screen or simply trust each other to invite those who we know because we know each other? Does that make sense?
Let me know. I'm good with whatever you decide.
Did you know that you can set an e-mail address so that you can e-mail a post to the blog and get an e-mail whenever someone posts a new comment or post? This is especially handy because you don't have to be on the Web to participate -- just have your e-mail open.
It's under Setting and then the E-mail tab.
At 6:52 PM,
Lynn said…
Cool tip! Good to know!
About the invites....I totally trust that we'd all invite people who would enjoy it and be a fun participant, and thoughtful.
Invite those from work and I will think about who might enjoy being on it too, and see where we wind up. I believe Mom expects the same, as it's always more fun when it is a ever-changing thing instead of something that could grow stagnant if there's a tiny # of ppl involved.
Yeah...lets' give it a go and see who jumps!
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