Kindergarten Orientation

I took Jacob to kindergarten orientation today and felt like I was exposing him to a bureaucratic system I wish were different but I know never will be.
It's not that I'm opposed to public education, it's just that the little bit of orientation we had today is just the tip of the iceberg. I will disagree with policies, especially those that enable an entitlement attitude. The administrators said something like "apply for the free or low-cost whatever, you might as well if you can get away with it" at least three times. What kind of a society are we building when in KINDERGARTEN orientation the administrators are encouraging people to take advantage of the system?
That is what made me not afraid for Jacob, but weary for him. I know my sons will not grow up with a "you owe me because" attitude, but their friends will. And I have no control over their friends.
So, maybe my anxiety is really about me and my need to control my children's environment. When we paid for full-time daycare, I felt in control. When we paid for pre-school at St. Catherines in Manchester, I felt in control. So, what's different here?
I can only guess it's that the people with whom I sat with today in orientation do not hold similar beliefs as my family. When we paid for the environment, we knew other people cared enough to pay as well and would not try and take advantage wherever they could. Now, everything is "free."
I suppose I'll have to seek out those who believe as we believe. I know they exist. We'll find each other. I hope Jacob finds their children. I hope we can provide a solid path for him and he's not lured off of it.
Today, I felt, was the beginning of the end. Tomorrow, I pray, will be full of hope and courage. My mother always told me life wasn't easy (whose mother hasn't said that?), but I hope to at least cushion the falls and be there to hold hands.
Alas, it's just kindergarten. Lighten up, right? I will. Tomorrow is a new day.
At 4:33 PM,
Lynn said…
Hey Kathy, all very real concerns and valid expressions, but the flip side is also important...maybe you have something to "teach" those people, in a kind, respectful and classy way at some time BECAUSE of a friendship Jacob may wind up, right?
But most importantly, maybe someone is thinking the same thing about another subject that you haven't yet been challenged to consider yourself?? Maybe you can both share your insights, and may or may not change your/thier opinion, but it's always healthy to give whatever.
Just an idea....not sure if it is "true", but sometimes makes it feel far less futile. And hey...same-ness is boring.
At 6:03 PM,
Kathy Schwartz said…
Good perspectives. I am always up for new learning opportunities in my head, but not always in my heart. It's getting both to agree the opportunity is an opportunity that's the hard part.
Does that even make sense? ;-)
At 2:31 AM,
Lynn said…
Yeah, that makes sense...and I know where you are coming from. The BEST lessons happen when we least expect them, and don't see them as such until after the fact.
It's kinda scary and kinda cool....every day.
At 3:34 AM,
Linda said…
Distressing to say, but I went to the last PTC meeting of my last child when he was a junior in High School and upon observing the parents, I concluded that if they were representative of their children, I understood why he hated school so much. The dilemma is whether to pull them in line with your philosophies and values, thus insuring they will be different, or allowing them to drift more into the mainstream. For me, the choice was clear, but I am not sure it made their lives any easier at the time. Overall, worth it, though.
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