Women Trying ...
Women Trying ...Well, this is my first attempt at blogging....thanks Kathy. I guess I'll know if I've done it correctly when I hit " publish post" down there. Ok, I've been sitting here for 15 minutes and only have the first sentence typed. Maybe this won't be as easy as it sounded...or maybe I'll get more comfortable with sharing my thoughts each time I visit. Till next time......
At 1:27 AM,
Linda said…
Welcome Barbara!!
I, too, am usually pretty adept at writing, but you are right, this is a little harder. I have also had my computer giving me a hard time logging in since my husband also has an identity tied to our address. But this has potential to be fun, and it's great to meet one of Kathy's new colleagues/friends.
At 3:07 AM,
Lynn said…
Yeah! Hello n' Welcome!
At 8:51 AM,
Kathy Schwartz said…
Barbara and I know very well that technology doesn't always work the way it's supposed to -- she manages our classified department and we just recently rolled out an integrated print/online program that has given us fits and some giggles.
What always amazes me is what technology providers assume their audience knows when they launch something new. And, no, I can't name those assumptions. If I could I'd be a technology consultant for people who need to use it. ;-)
But, what's equally amazing is that we (the customers) continue to push through because we want that blog post, that e-mail, that cool new calendar, and we'll spend HOURS figuring it out until we win, I mean get it to work.
Seems to me there's an opportunity for improvement in there where those hours are saved and the damn thing JUST WORKS!
Well, the rain finally stopped.
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