Trick and Treat

I'll answer Lynn's call to check in. Congratulations on the new house. Here's a rundown of what's happening in Pennsylvania:
Last Thursday, Jacob got in a fight at school. He and a boy named Kyle were pushing and shoving to be first in line to get to class (that's a first!). Apparently, Jacob had him pinned on the ground and was punching him so the race to class quickly turned into an all fight. He's five, mind you. The punishment? He and Kyle have to sit alone for snack and can't go to recess with the class.
Brian called me on Thursday soon after the teacher talked to him. I was shocked. My sweet little boy could very well turn into a bully. What's worse is that I have no idea what to do about it. I just told him I loved him and asked if he wanted to talk about it. I'm going to keep telling him he can tell me anything and keep asking him if he wants to talk. Maybe that will make a difference and one day he will want to talk.
The boys went trick-or-treating Wednesday night and today (Sunday) there's a parade for the elementary school downtown. The kids are all going as construction workers and as you can tell, Jacob was NOT a construction worker for Halloween. This is a problem since the parade is a Halloween parade and he can't wear his costume! I can't believe this is just the beginning!
William, of course, will be Spiderman as he watches the unhappy construction workers parade down Main St. At least we all get hot dogs after it's over!
Treat: I got a new job at a different newspaper about 40 minutes the opposite direction. It's for an independently-owned newspaper and they just made me an offer I couldn't refuse.
So, that's it for now. Oh, we lost our first football game Friday night to our backyard rival Marian (see for highlights). But, we're still in the running for a championship! Go Thorpe!